Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Side Crow Stance

This is the Side Crow Stance or Parsva Bakasana in Sanskrit. It's increases flexibility by twisting your spine. But I don't think it's very beneficial. It just looks cool in pictures.

Side crow stance and all other poses similar to it are like the "selfie" photos (see link below) of yoga. Have you seen profile pictures in social networking sites where people perform hand balancing and yoga poses? I, myself, am guilty of this. And I probably will continue to do this. Sorry. It's just cool!

(Watch what a side crow stance is)

However, for fitness sake, I recommend twist holds rather than the side crow stance.

Why? Because if your goal is to increase spinal flexibility, why include a hand balance drill to it? If something is already effective and efficient, why change it? As the old adage goes, do not fix something that is not broken.

(Below is a beginner's twist hold)

(Below is an advanced twist hold)

I feel that doing a spine rotation with a hand balance not only complicates it but also makes it more dangerous. Again, we don't want to play or goof around with our spines.

To summarize, if you want to take a cool picture, then by all means practice a side crow stance. Just be careful not to injure yourself. But if you want a stronger and more flexible spine, twist holds are more effective and less dangerous.


Click here to know more about the Side Crow Stance

Click here to read more about Twist Holds

Click here to read more about "Selfie" Photos

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