Monday, July 1, 2013

Closing Bridges

Skill unlocked! Finally able to do "closing bridges" after a year of practice. :-) This is the 9th step in the bridging progression of the book "Convict Conditioning".

(Watch video below)

Bridges are actually a lower back and an abs exercise. This is not just for playing "limbo" or "chinese garter".

In yoga, these are called "Back Bend Poses." They are also supposed to give proper posture.

Give the progressions a shot! However, always remember to start at the easier steps first (see the link below). I don't have to remind you how dangerous spinal injuries are!

Click here to read more about Convict Conditioning.

Click here to see Back Bend Yoga Poses.

Click here to read an Interview of the book's (Convict Conditioning) author, Paul "Coach" Wade.

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